SSAFE is a non-profit membership organization that works through public private partnerships to strengthen the safe supply and trade. What makes SSAFE unique is our focus on delivering free solutions that help enhance the integrity of the food supply chain around the world.
SEE MORESSAFE has developed a guide to help the food industry understand what Industry 4.0 is and what it means in the context of food safety. The document recommends good practices and, through a series of case studies, helps demonstrate how food businesses along the food supply chain can best deploy Industry 4.0 to maximize the value and benefits of new technologies and strengthen food safety.
SEE PROJECTPublic-Private Partnerships have been at the heart of SSAFE since it was founded. From the early dialogues with OIE that helped launch SSAFE to today, the partnerships SSAFE has built with Intergovernmental organizations, academic institutions, NGOs and other partners have helped us strengthen the supply and trade of food around the world. By working closely with our PPP partners and other networks, SSAFE and its members have been able to stay at the forefront of the main issues that impact the production and trade of safe foods, jointly developing new solutions and tools quickly and making them available free of charge around the world for anyone to use. Our PPP model enables open and transparent dialogue between multiple stakeholders, resulting in strong, effective and rapid collaboration to solve issues we face today and prevent potential problems arising in the future.